New Moon in Taurus| What's Your Safe & Secure?
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We have our new moon in Taurus on the 7th/8th of May 2024
Tagline: Let the beauty of Taurus alight your self love journey
We have our New Moon in Taurus with us either on the 7th of May of the 8th depending on where you live at 8.22pm pacific 11.22pm eastern time on the 7th, 4.22am uk time on the 8th , this is a tight chart my lovelies with all the planets really compacted together. The moon is at 18 degrees and 2 minutes of Taurus. Symbolising a need to tune into your own divinity and what will serve you as you move forward.
This eclipse closes eclipse season and brings in the energy and vibration of a new beginning, she is also a supermoon which means that her affects may be more pronounced as the moon is closer to the earth.
Taurus tunes us in to the energy of what makes us feel secure. The sign of the bull asks us to savour the pleasures in life and to enjoy the fruits of our labour. Let the wild sometimes stubborn and very fixed energy of Taurus guide you to understanding what you value, what makes you happy and fulfilled on the level of money and possessions.
This chart sees the New Moon aligning in a lovely way with Saturn and Uranus. This will assist you to hear what you really need from life, to respect these needs and use the knowledge that you have learnt during your life to support you. You’re ready to make the changes that will allow you to magically step into a more peaceful phase.
Take this time, make the plans that are realistic and grounded, just like our earth sign Taurus. This new moon gives you a splendid opportunity to create a space where your new beginnings small and large can take centre stage. Taurus may be bashful about that stage and struggle sometimes to be there, however once there it loves it.
You’re called to rebuild to create a new foundation, sweep what was out of the way, connect into your deep new values. It’s time to connect to connect to your body, the earth and create a new relationship with yourself that is stronger and more powerful. This moon asks us to consolidate our deep security needs.
This moon provides the opportunity to tune into self love and worth. What is your relationship to yourself, what are your inner drivers and desires, be in your energy of value, above all else value yourself.
Our new moon is in conjunction to Jupiter and Uranus which can help us to expand, find meaning and purpose Jupiter, then you get to remove any conditioning that is still holding you captive, prisoner, you’re being asked to remove yourself from the shackles and binding of the past. You’re being called to move your life forward. Taurus might want you to get cosy, however the placement of these two planets asks you to make the necessary changes. Think restructure and remodel our lives to be the life we want and we deserve.
With sun moon forming a sextile to Saturn you’re being called to check in on the boundaries that you have in place, care for you. This aspect also helps us to create something for our future.
During this moon Chiron and Mercury are conjunct in Aries concluding a journey that started in March. Think healing point that allows us to shift in our perspective and recalibrate relationship to self others and the way that we communicate with self and others.
Venus is Conjunct the moon and as Taurus’s ruler there is comfort and familiarity here. Venus leans in and asks you to stop and smell the flowers, meander through the journey, it is not a race. Back in August 2023 a journey with Venus started, cast your mind back what was going on? Your call here is to tune into relationship, romance, sense of self, values, finances and understand what needs to change.
Tarot ~ The Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck ~ Conceived of by AE White and Designed by Pamela Coleman-Smith
New Moon in Taurus Tarot ~ 4 of wands and 5 of cups

Take heed and give yourself the time to start the gentle process of restructuring your life, think safety, security and leaning in to what life offers us. There is no secret that we are currently moving through personal and global shifts on a phenomenal level ~ let this Taurus new moon bring you the tools and skills to connect deeply into your body, into your understanding of self and who you are.
This moon may affect you if you were born with personal planets and points at approximately 13 to 23 degrees of the fixed signs and if you have moon, sun or ascendant in Taurus.
New Moon Intentions/Actions
Best New moon intention get to know yourself ~ journalling, speaking into a recorder, talking to a good friend. Talk to yourself in the mirror and start to know who you are, so you can bring you into the world ~ the angels say that your intentions and actions need to be about you, bringing the true you into the world and tuning into your self love and worth.
