New Moon in Libra September 2022 Report
My Tagline for this new moon: Clean up your relationship house and situations you’ve outgrown in the harmonious arms of libra.
I love the libra new moon, it’s our opportunity to create harmony.
The New moon is on the 25th of September 2022. Our new moon is at 2 degrees and 48 minutes, it is highlighting pairs, two people, bringing things together, one to one connections. Also at 2 degrees, we are at the degree of the super galactic centre. This is black hole energy – if you want to know more about this look up phillip sedgewick.
Libra is a lovely new moon, symbolising balance and harmony, it is ruled by venus the planet of love. As much as it equates to love there is a steadiness here as venus is in virgo and this lends practicality to the energy of this moon. The planets that are direct in this chart are the sun, moon, venus and mars. The fact that the other planets are in retrograde (rx) means that we’re being asked to go inwards, this is creating a sense of inner focus and knowing where we want things to change or where we need to change. This also helps us to go back over the past and check with the decisions that we have previously made.
I know I have been banging on about this for a while in the reports, yet there is an important shift available when we step inwards and assess our own thoughts and feelings, this can then bring about new ways of being. Be aware that when planets are rx they are closer to the earth this means that we need to be careful not to get over concerned with the decisions in question.
We’re being called to get our relationships sorted out, whatever happens right now this is the time to know who you want in your life and who you don’t. Also if there are problems in an intimate pairing you are being called to go inwards and ask yourself what you need. You’re also being called to step into romance, libra loves romance, laughter and joy. There is the search for harmony in all relationships highlighted in a big way.
My live angel card reading for September on facebook highlighted this as the cards focus and soulmate came up.
We’re being called to clean up our relationship act, to create relationships that are healthy with good boundaries, as opposed to the type that might be seen as co-dependent or needy. This lasts about four weeks, so allow yourself the time to cogitate and make the changes necessary.
Venus is at 25 degrees virgo and conjunct mercury rx at 27 degrees – there’s a spiritual completion energy inherent here and I am seeing it highlighted in our communication sector of our relationships – we’re being asked to learn to be loving in our communication. There’s collaboration here and a clear headedness with conversations and interactions we have, as opposed to the usual ethereal airiness of libra alone. I’m also seeing that you can gain a lot during this period to straighten out problems or areas of concern. There’s a kind of creative element here with Neptune pisces that helps to bring about clarity. With venus trining Pluto you’re also being given the space to release old stories, situations, attitudes, that you’ve totally outgrown, that are no good for you.

Keep remembering that libra is the sign of love, it wants you to drop into your heart and listen to the messages that your heart wants to share with you. Even if stuff is coming at you from outside, you’re being asked to use your heart brain to understand how to reacclimatise all your relationships.
Pluto 26 cappy and Uranus 18 taurus are giving us a hand with venus and mercury in virgo– this is a positive energy. There’s regeneration available under Pluto we are being able to transmute the old energies into light. The Uranus energy has been pushing us over the last few months to be brave, to step up, we’re being shaken up, or should I say woken up? Remember that there are still crazy surprises in store Uranus loves to surprise us, so you never know what’s coming up. Also Mercury rx has the propensity to bring in unexpected changes. So with this in the ether, be aware that everything may not be as it seems.
There is an opposition of Jupiter 3 degrees Aries and Neptune 23 degrees pisces. Be aware that the pesky Jupiter energy in Aries wants to move, to push forward and to do it now and make you take on more than you can handle. Also within this energy things may take on proportions that are not relative to how they really are, so watch out for signs and pisces might make us a little sensitive. This Jupiter opposition has the power to bring in clarity from challenge. It’s an opposition and we are in libra, therefore we’re being called upon to create balance. Let Jupiter expand the energy so that you recognise what is new.
We’re being asked to rebalance our connections, our life situations and our life. This is the time to refocus and course correct. This moon is expansive for us, just watch out where Jupiter in aries creates jagged edges to the harmony of libra. With this in mind I suggest a big dose of love and understanding over the next four weeks, for yourself, those you interact with and your nearest and dearest.
Remember that Gemini is in Mercury and with the mind stuff prevalent highlighting communication, social media, writing, speaking etc. There is a great deal of mental energy at play, allow the balance aspect of Libra to help you to be centred, rather than making snap decisions or quick fire responses, otherwise the energy could lead to confusion and scattering of emotion. There will be a great deal of information coming through here. Gemini loves this, however it can also get confused by it. Also due to the oppositions and squares with mars/mercury and Neptune you may find that things do not make sense.
To my mind this is about moving into collaboration, connection and togetherness, libra wants harmony and balance above everything else. Of course due to this need it can struggle to create this, so be aware of your response to what is coming up for you. Also I would say get this done, so that when we hit the October/November eclipses we are less aggravated. Our new future is being created as we live, it is happening, Saturn is at 19 degrees Aquarius and we are being asked to close the door of the past and step into a new start with the Saturn energy. We are being given the tools to create a foundation that helps us start the process of a brave new future, a future where we live with love and share with one another.
During this new moon intention setting you might want to ask yourself a few questions.
Where am I going to change in my current relationships and connections?
What do I require from my relationships and connections?
What will help me to make the wish/dream/idea (fill the blank) bigger?
What will help me to make the wish/dream/idea (fill in the blank) better?
These intention setting questions will help you to align with your purpose…
