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New Moon in Capricorn| A new You is ready to Shine

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We have our new moon in Capricorn on the 30th of December 2024

Tagline ~ A rare black moon ... That asks you to close the door to the past.

Before I get into our report let's bid farewell to the energies of 2024, it has been a tumultous year astrologically and many of us have been dragged along by our coat tails! Hang on though, in sweeps our supportive mate the cappy new moon. Full of earthy grounding energy, that energises you to seek that which is real and believe in its possibility.

Our New Moon in Capricorn is at 5.28pm Eastern time, 2.28pm Pacific and 10.28pm uk time on the 30th of December 2024. Think . The moon occurs at 9 degrees and 44 minutes of Capricorn. This is a very angelic occurence.

Capricorn sees us into a year and out of a year, father time, Saturn Capricorns ruler puntuates the year with a drumbeat. You're being called to lean into the tenacity of the disciplined Goat. Traits such as discipline, structure, organisation. The list really does go on. Capricorn is aiming for success no matter what it looks like it is doing and you are called to join in.

This moon asks you if you are ready to set your course for success. It is asking you to pick up the course, and awaken your dreams. Feel the motivating energy urging you to bring momentum to your goals. This moon asks you to create the vision of you, that you want to be in the future, you're literally being goaded into creating a new reality. You are invited to realise that no goal is unachievable.

The new moon is in the first decan of Capricorn, her it is calling you to find a sense of balance. Ask yourself what you are ready to take off your plate.

New moon sextile pisces in Saturn is supporting us to get more creative in a spiritual way. You will be able to achieve your larger goals. It's an interesting combination practical romance, dreamy intensity. Think new ideas that are off the wall, different to how you have ever viewed the world and offer new forms of ideas and solutions. There is also a firm vibration to help you with your manifestation work.

Are you ready to check in with what deserve space in your life and what needs to go. This is an exercise in understanding that some things do not deserve your time, or your effort. Check in with 2024 before you begin the journey anew for 2025. Remember that no matter what happended good, or bad you were evolving.

The Mars Pluto opposition brings in high emotion and this could bring in a sense of warfare, it's in a fireside and rx which means it is closer. This means that there may be an extreme energy expressed, be in a space where you remain aware to ensure that you do not give into the war like energy.

Challenge is presented with the square between jupiter rx at 13 degrees and Saturn. This literally creates a tension and limitation. Being in rx Jupiter asks you to review and assess beliefs, ideas and look at where you are limiting yourself. It is a gift in some senses that asks you to rewrite the stories that you are telling yourself. Mercury is also square Saturn and this will be pulling on you with regard to your beliefs, you are being called out and asked to face whether they make sense or not.

Use this time to tune into receivership and ask yourself how you can re-write narratives that do not serve you and be open to letting people into your life that suport you. Of course in order to do this, you are going to need to believe that you deserve the help that they are offering. Cue tuning into your worthiness.

The square between Venus and Uranus sparkles with a level of unpredicatability in our relationships that is exciting. Venus in Aquarius is the unconventional brought to life, in our view, thoughts on love and social relationships. Think of yourself as a bird free and unique and this is the energy you will bring and or seek in your connections.

Uranus rx in Taurus is square venus and this is possibly going to create a tension around the changes in our life. There is a sense that balance needs to be sought in order to shift effectively. This supports us with our values Taurus will focus on that which is real and tangible. This energy can also bring in a need for freedom.

The challenge here is to be a creative master and find ways to balance the needs that we have for freedom with that which is secure and of comfort to us. In truth there is something of the maverick highlighted here, you are called to find unique ways to manage your life. This is a song of evolution and finding peace in new ways of living, unconventional behaviours, new models of society that are more in keeping with a more evolved humanity.

You are being called to grow and evolve, as is the world and society too. The energy of this chart is asking us to look at truth, perception and there is a sense of transparancy called for, so that we can rise into the energy and vibration that heals the feminine line.

Tarot ~ The Midnight Magic ~ Tarot Deck of Mushrooms ~ 5 of pentacles and 3 of pentacles.

This Capricorn New Moon, wants you to create structure, plans and organise yourself. This cardinal earthy sign thrives on these things and creates growth using these skills. You are taught in this new moon, what your precious resources are. Hold visions that are crystal clear, by being intentional, you will create magic in your life. Your life will open up as you do this and and your life will move with speed when you meet the right people, the ones that want to help you, be part of your life and support you. Let your intuition guide you, open to the magic within you. Open yourself up to a new way of being.

Capricorn wants us to build, with Neptune conjunct the North Node, there is a vibration of peace and loe highlighted, we are being asked to build a heart based world. There is a sense of tuning into self love, unconditional love and letting this be our thoughts for the new year.

The New moon in Capricorn may affect people with points and planets at approximately 4 to 14 degrees and the cardinal signs most significantly.

New Moon Ritual

For the Capricorn new moon, you are being called to create a plan for your 2025. If you want help with this, write out what you would like to achieve for the year, email it to me at and I will create and email you back a year plan.

With Love Hem and The Angels xxxxXx


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Location: UK  (Essex)

Hem  BA (Hons), PGCE, Reiki Master, Diploma LC

(Life Coach)

Qualified Yoga Teacher  - trained in the Himalayan Yoga Tradition

(Rishikesh India)

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