Full Moon in Virgo ~ Awaken your Potential
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Full Moon in Virgo 24th of February 2024
Our Tagline for this Full Moon: Grab your health meets spirituality hat and dive into self love and care.
We have our full moon in virgo our mutable earth sign on the 24th of February at 4.31am Pacific Time, 7.31am Eastern Time and 12.31 pm UK time. It's at 5 degrees and 23 minutes of virgo in your chart. This bright full moon will be opposing pisces.
Get ready to work on the virgo/pisces axis. This asks us to balance the everyday routines, how we do things and health with vision,spiritual health such as self love, holistic and care and that which is mystical. You are being asked how you will balance out work and service and this full moon will illuminate where you are not balanced in these areas. Think of the health theme, gut health, immunity. There is also something of the practical here in this moon. I tend to call the Virgo moon the spring clean moon because there is something of the clearn up crew attached to the virgo element.
I really want to highlight boundaries, which came up on the new moon. There is something that you need to be looking at. Think choices and understanding, there might be some family drama that needs to be cleared. Also lots of things will be cut out. There is a sense of understanding what and who is for you and what and who are not, this comes through on the Virgo axis of health as in what and who makes you feel good and the pisces sun saying I love myself enough.
This is an interesting moon as we have mercury and Saturn in pisces. Neptune is also in pisces and this really elevates the pisces energy during this moon. Topping this off we have Mercury, sun, saturn and neptune in pisces. This is very strong pisces energy and tells you what you no longer want in your space. With the opposition of the moon here you are being called to balance out your practical with something deeper and more personal that tunes into your emotions and sensitivity, what needs to be released for good.
Saturn conjunct this moon may highlight regulations, with pluto now in aquarius this could mean that these health considerations are far more beneficial to individuals. It may look at what we are doing in a different way with Saturn in Pisces, there needs to be a spiritual component to this. The 9 symbolises humanitarian energy and divinity.
Have a look in your chart to where pisces falls ~ see which house it falls in. This will give you an idea of what is going on. Unsure what this means drop a note in the comments re: house and I will give you a general idea. In a sense there has been a slowness or something making you go slower than you would like ~ this is not you it's how Saturn works.
We have a wonderful trine between jupiter in Taurus and the full moon. Think what you would like in your world in a the sense of beauty and comfort. Jupiter will give you the patience to wait for things to unfold in the way that they are meant to. What do you want to change? Jupiter here will assist you to move forward with what is important to you. Jupiter is the great benefactor ~ expansive and tolerant, letting you become the phoenix that rises from the ashes.
Jupiter is squaring venus and mars which dives in with questions and solutions on where you want to go next, who you want to be, what you want to do. Watch out for this balance aspect triggering a protection response and kicking in a response that tells you that you are safe where you are. Venus and Mars are right next to each other throwing up the conundrum, or irritation if Mars has its way and the question, How? Rocking in at eight and nine degrees the how could be leaning into faith and understanding how to use what you have to create what you want. The energy of Aquarius where they are stationed will also help you to see things differently and tune into new vibrant ideas.
Remember that Virgo is an Earth sign and as an Earth sign it links into grounding your energy, being strong in your body and your health. As this chart has a lot of pisces, grounding is super important to ensure that you do not dive into the murky depths of the dark sea and feel so overwhelmed that your emotional sensitivity kicks up reasons to hold you back.
Be gentle check in with where your focus is ~ this is the day to day things that lead to bigger things. In this Full Moon you may feel scattered as if your energy is in many places. If this is the case, pause, come back to centre, ground and breathe. Caution makes sense, however hesitancy could have you revisiting this at a later date. Take stock and do not allow anything to knock the wind out of your sails. Inner healing and issues may be flaring up during this moon, let the wisdom of what you have learnt inform you.
Watch out that you do not get bitten by Virgo guilt ~ it is prone to wanting to do things from the stance of wildly high expectations. Be wary of falling foul of critcism. Whatever you are having a go at yourself about could be unhealthy, the virgo energy wants your health to be in a happy place. You're being called to look at the world around you and see it for what it is, so that you can create a better world for yourself.
New beginnings are highlighted in the world at large, there is a lot of speed in the world and we are due the total solar eclipse ~ change and excitement are coming.

Our Cards - Midnight Magic ~ A Tarot Deck of Mushrooms ~ Sara Richards
Judgment Card ~ watch out for playing the judge during this full moon. A new knowledge is coming your way do not let anything get in the way of understanidng it.
Nine of Pentacles ~ Your heard work will pay of so long as you are not letting the less positive side of the judgment card mar your experience.
This moon may affect you if you were born with personal planets and points at approximately 1 to 9 degrees of the Mutable signs, it may also affect you if you have your sun, moon or ascendant in virgo.
Full Moon Release
There is a simplicity to this full moons release. It asks you to be honest with yourself and let go of the things, people, situations, experiences that are stopping you from being clear on how you do things and take care of your emotional needs.
To release what no longer serves you in this moon grab a pen and paper and write down what you want to stay and what you want to go. The planner on Virgo will love this.
