When I used to ...Salsa... (blog quickie)

Re-ignite an old passion or start a new one
Have you ever thought back to when you were younger and brought back a memory, of something that you did, that you loved?
This week I got to thinking about how I used to go to weekly Salsa classes when I was at University.
Salsa always made me feel pretty alive and I got quite good at it too. I remember the red dress and the heels I used to wear, although I am not sure that I would be able to dance in those shoes now. In fact I am not even sure that I could walk in those shoes now, lol ...
The whole memory made me think about how brave I was. I did everything back then. I was a sub-editor on the University newspaper, I danced and I went camping in the winter, because I was resilient.
As we get older some of us lose this resilience and some people get better at it. If you are one of the people that lost your resilience, this is a call for you, to find it again. To do something that takes you back to a time when you were young and brave.
Oh if you are still young and brave - hold onto this bravery for the rest of your life and keep experiencing new and vibrant scenarios throughout your life. After all life is for living :)
The Mission
To do something you once did.
To try something new.
To explore new experiences.
To create variety in your life.
The truth is
That we are all brave - whether we enact it or not.
That what we enjoyed when we were young is still within reach in one way, shape or form.
That there are so many opportunities in the world today to be brave.
That you can start most things at any time in life.
That you deserve to experience joy moments no matter at what stage in life you are at.
Enacting changes will
Keep you young
help you to create new neural pathways
Help you to improve your resilience
Move your comfort zone outwards, so that you can experience more
This could be the beginning of a whole new you. Guess this means me getting back to Salsa classes. I can't wait and I hope that I can remember how to dance ;) ...
Lots Love xxxXx